Monday, October 3, 2011

onesie dress embellishments

These aren't super detailed instructions but hopefully with the pictures and text it will provide you with some ideas to dress up your onesie dresses!

I used elastic thread in the bobbin on most of these embellishments. It may not be necessary since the back part of the onesie will have stretch enough to fit over you little one's head but I used it just to be safe. Using elastic thread does result in a gather but I have found that unless you have several rows of stitches with elastic thread (shirring) the gathering is minimal and unnoticeable.

tuxedo ruffles

This embellishment has raw edges and is suitable only for knit fabric. Cut five 1" strips. 1- 8" long, 2- 6" long, 2- 5 long". Ruffle the strips with a gathering stitch.

With the ruffles hanging over the neckline (onesie and ruffles right side together), center and pin the 8" ruffle on neckline. Pin the 6" strips on either side of the 8" strip. Pin the 5" strips next to the 6" strips. Sew the ruffles to the onesie just underneath the binded top edge of the onesie. I know that is worded weird... does it make sense at all? (The reason I sew the ruffles to the onesie this way is to make a cleaner ruffle that lays flatter on the dress.)

Flip the ruffles down. Pin. Sew down the center of each ruffle over your gathering stitch. Remove the gathering stitch.

gathered neckline

Cut a strip of fabric- 2.5" x 16. Make a fabric tube by sew your strip together lengthwise, wrong sides together (the raw seam will be hidden later). Center the seam on the back and iron.

Gather your fabric tube by sewing (with a gathering or basting stitch) down each side 2/16" from the edge.

Fold the shoulder flaps of the onesie back. Center and pin the gathered fabric tube just beneath the binded neckline of the onesie. Sew with a regular straight stitch using elastic thread in the bobbin. Remover the gathering stitch.

little bow

Cut a strip of fabric 1"x7" on the bias. Fold and iron the raw edges to the center- wrong sides together.

Fold the shoulder flaps of the onesie back. Center and pin the strip just beneath the binded neckline of the onesie. Sew with a regular straight stitch using elastic thread in the bobbin.

Make a fabric tube by cutting a 2"x12" strip of fabric. Fold in half lengthwise, right sides together. Sew with a 1/2" seam allowance, leaving the ends open. Turn your fabric tube right side out. This can be tricky with such a narrow tube- try this magic tube turning trick. (Yarn works well too!) Iron your fabric tube and tie into a pretty bow. Trim the ends. Stitch close and parallel to the raw edges to minimize fraying. To further discourage fraying use a little fray check on the ends. From the back hand stitch the bow to the neckline. These stitches also prevent the bow from untying.

ruffle neckline

This embellishment has raw edges and is suitable only for knit fabric. Cut a strip of fabric 1.75"x15". Gather one long edge. Fold the shoulder flaps of the onesie back. Pin the ruffle with the gathering line matching up with the binded neckline of the onesie, right sides together.

Stitch just beneath the banded neckline of the onesie. (I used elastic thread in the bobbin on this one too)

Remove the gathering stitch. Trim the excess fabric. Fold the ruffle down and topstitch.

I embellished these onesies a while back. No instructions, but they are both pretty self explanatory and would be adorable with or without an attached skirt!

Any of the embellishments would also work for a toddler, little girls or even a woman's shirt. 

Happy embellishing!!


Jess@craftiness is not optional said...

these are adorable onesies and so easy! I bet Gemma looks smashing in them. :D

Unknown said...

You are so talented! These are great!

Jessica said...

These are so adorable! I love them all. Great job and thanks for sharing with us. :)

Emily said...

Darling! I really like the gathered neckline and that perfect little bow.

Anonymous said...

Yeah! Hated to have missed doing these on the craft day... but I have to do one for a shower this weekend. This post couldn't have come at a better time. I think I am going with the tiny bow one. You are just awesome!

Erin said...

Wow! Each one is so darling!

I am a sewing newbie. I am really trying, I keep going back into battle with thread and machine. These projects are still a bit complicated for me, but I will file them away for the future. Thanks!

Jessica said...

the little bow is my favorite! So cute.

Mackeys Moments said...

oh my! very adorable! :)
new follower!

Jenn Kirk said...

These are so cute and you're so talented. I've seen the ruffles on the bums, too. I'm guessing same method or similar?

jen said...

I love these. Thanks for the tutorial. I'm getting a sewing machine for Christmas. I can't wait to try this out.

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