This is the kitchen. It is vintage 1960's. It's called "Barbie Deluxe Reading Kitchen". I love anything vintage but this style kitchen is special to me. My mom had this set when she was a girl and when my sisters and I were little she would take it out of the box and let us look at it and play with all the little pieces. I loved this kitchen and it left an impression on me. So when I decided to build Sutton a doll house I knew I wanted it to have a kitchen just like my mom's.
Unfortunately, they are quite the collectors item now and complete (and in good condition) sets can be very expensive. I was able to get a non-complete set that is a little broken for a great price on eBay. I am okay with it not being complete and some of the upper cabinets broken off. I figure my kids will inevitably break it anyway!
I hot glued the kitchen pieces to the back wall of the house. Hopefully they will last a little longer if they stay in the house!
The table and chairs are not original to the set. They were orange when I got them and I used Krylon's plastic spray paint. It was the first time I had ever used it and it covered like a dream!

I forgot to take a before picture but this is one of the listing pictures from the eBay auction. You can see one orange chair.
Using the plastic spray paint again I painted one of the couches and lounge chair purple and the other couch white.
The painted furniture in the house.

If there is one thing in the house that is over the top and unnecessary it would be the bathroom. I just couldn't resist, it's too cute!
The toilet cracks me up! I hot glued the bathroom fixtures to the floor/walls like I did the kitchen. The rest of the furniture can be moved around.

Part 4: 'the finishing details' coming soon!
Oh, Erin, this is fabulous. So much thought and care put into it. Isn't it fun to have a little girl so we can play again too? Merry Christmas!
THis is some bird sanctuary :) Laura was telling me about that at lunch today! This house is amazing Erin! I do not know where you find the energy! So excited for Sutton. She is going to LOVE it!!!
I would like one in adult size, please! It is so cute!
That is one rockin' dollhouse!!! Can't wait to see the 'finished' treasure!
I am now officially obsessed with your blog. Thank you. It is AMAZING. Also, I kind of want to steal your life (or at least your house and seemingly boundless energy!). Wow to all the crafts and decorating and thrifting (I've been looking at your archives) that you do. It's just awesome. And this particular dollhouse, AWESOME.
Yes, you are my new blog love. Thank you for inspiring me that maybe I CAN get stuff done with a child...and you've made me wonder why I don't!!
heart: Kimberellie
hey, you are beyond awesome! Your barbie house is SO MUCH better than the one that your Dad and I made for you and your sisters. What can I say about the kitchen, of course it is fabulously wonderful...makes me with I could have been a cool Mom like you!
a.mazing. she is going to FLIP when she sees this Christmas morning (she has not seen it yet right?).
love the black-outs. hehe
Good work. I love this!
I wish I could come over and play with this dollhouse. It is AWESOME!
Sutton has the coolest mom ever-- if your mad doll house making skillz are any indication.
Geez barbie! Grab a towel!!
Wow, that dollhouse is pretty incredible. Is it crazy that I'm a little jealous of Sutton? Ha!
The picture of Barbie with her goods blacked out had me in stitches!
You are so inspiring and it's always a pleasure to check in on your blog to see what kind of amazing project you have going on.
Happy holidays to you and your precious family.
since Michael said you were making a bird sanctuary for me, can you make that your next project? i mean, you don't want to lie to your child, right? ha ha:) Can't wait to come over and play dolls with Sutton. It looks awesome! She is going to LOVE it! (and the fact that you did all this while 8 months pregnant is pretty amazing).
SOO awesome Erin! My daughter's barbies are so envious! They live in a box. Can they come visit once you're all settled? hehe
Awesome job my friend! Oh and Merry Christmas!
Erin, I'm from Brazil e not speak inglish. Maravilhoso seu trabalho. Amei! Parabéns. Visite meu blog, talvez vc goste. e e-mail
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