All along I planned on having the boys face to the right and the girls to the left but now that it is done I am wondering if I should have gone the traditional route and had all the silhouettes facing the same direction. Thoughts?
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
a different kind of family portrait
These have sat on my sewing/craft table half-finished since before Easter. I am so glad to have them done!

All along I planned on having the boys face to the right and the girls to the left but now that it is done I am wondering if I should have gone the traditional route and had all the silhouettes facing the same direction. Thoughts?
All along I planned on having the boys face to the right and the girls to the left but now that it is done I am wondering if I should have gone the traditional route and had all the silhouettes facing the same direction. Thoughts?
cheap decor,
i made it
i love how you and michael are looking right at each other, but i think i would prefer having all the kids facing the same way. just my opinion-- i'm no expert!
I love those! Great job! Please share how you did it! I would love to capture my children's silhouettes.
hey! I was just thinking about making some of these for our bedroom. They are so cute - you'll have to show me how to make them.
I agree that I like how the parents face each other and think it would look nice to have the kids all facing right. It's kind of fitting though that Sutton is facing the other way...her little independent/I'll do what I want personality! Either way though it looks awesome!
thanks for your feedback. i am going to leave it as it is now but in a year when i update the profiles i might change it up.
jess- these are super easy to do.
1. take a profile picture
2. print it at your desired size
3. place print out on top of cardstock, tape top and bottom so the print out doesn't slip while cutting.
4. using and exacto knife (or similar cutting tool) carefully cut around the profile getting as much detail as possible. (it helps of you have a cutting mat, otherwise lay something down so you don't cut your table)
5. frame. i used spray adhesive to attach the silhouettes to the blue carstock and then put it in the frame.
the frames were the most expendice part of the project. about $30, I think. I spent around $2 for the scrapbook paper.
What a cute idea! My mom used to do this with my sisters and I when we were growing up, only she'd just tape a piece of construction paper onto the wall and trace our shadows. :) Then she'd tape the paper to a piece of black card-stock and cut out the image. Taking a picture would be much easier, though, since the kids wouldn't have to stand still for too long and the detail is better! LOL!
Those turned out beautiful!! I like how the children's profiles are not all the same way, it fits very nicely.
i'd love ot know how to do these!
I love your silhouttes! They look great. I need to try this!
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