Wednesday, June 10, 2009

a repurposed play kitchen

remember this?

well, it's finished:

Sutton's third birthday was June 9th. This play kitchen was what I made for her. She calls it her "chicken", meaning kitchen.

This is how I turned an entertainment center into a play kitchen-

1. Took the doors and the back off and removed center wall/support.
2. Re-enforced the unit with some 1x2's and 2X2's and plywood for the back.

3. Cut the hole for the sink.
4. Cut the hole for the window in the oven door.

6. Added filler pieces under sink and beside oven.
7. Drilled holes for stove and oven knobs.

8. Replaced decorative piece on bottom because it was ug-ly!
9. Used wood filler in grooves on dishwasher door for same reason as #8.

10. Cut and painted trim for window
11. Primed entire kitchen
12. Painted the blue sections of kitchen

13. Painted stove and oven and doors for oven and dishwasher with "Aluminum" spray paint.
14. Painted counter and back splash area a glossy white.

15. Spray painted yogurt and formula lids for stove burners black.
16. Put it all together- glued on window picture (thanks mom and dad for the print!), installed window trim, installed sink, attached knobs and burners, attached hardware to doors and installed doors (hinges added to the bottom and magnetic closures on top so doors open the same way ovens and dishwashers do), attached pot rack.

17. Sewed and installed curtains.

I still need to caulk and touch-up paint the window.

This was such a fun project for me. It was a big one! It was the first time I have used power tools (like the table saw) on my own. The first day I worked on it (taking it apart and reinforcing the structure) I was lucky enough to have my mom visiting. She has been building/creating all my life. If she wants to make something and doesn't know how, then she teaches herself or makes it up as she goes. She is a great inspiration to me! Surprisingly, this was the first time we have worked on a project together. It was a great experience!

The total cost was approximately $65. The entertainment center was $20- craigslist. The sink and faucet $15, knobs $4 and blue paint $4- all from the Habitat for Humanity ReStore. I tried to use things we already owned- handles, fabric, pot rack, window trim. About another $25 for plywood, magnetic closures, spray paint, nuts, bolts, washers, plexiglass etc.

It's been a huge hit! The girl loves her new kitchen. My six year old boy thinks it's great fun too.


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jen said...

I knew it!! As soon as you gave me the hint that it was something for Sutton, I guessed. :) This looks amazing though - you did a great job! Your kids are lucky to have such a creative mom!

PS - when your kids are done with it...can my future kids have it? :)

The Kerr Family said...

Love it!

Meg said...

Oh my goodness this is amazing! I LOVE it!

E and J said...

This is Amazing! Meg sent me a link to your blog. So Cool! You've totally inspired me.

merathon said...

erin-- that completely blew my mind! WOW. i seriously can't stop thinking about it. i'm here in NYC and i just showed it to my sisters-in-law and they cannot believe it either! now i KNOW you are the right person to help me with my project for k & b's room!

andrea. said...

i just discovered this blog...

i CANNOT believe that you made that kitchen! you are amazing!! it turned out PERFECT!

Jody said...

I also just found your blog and this kitchen is amazing!!! Thanks for sharing this wonderful project!

jessie said...

What a fabulous idea! My favorite part is that it's totally customizable. I'm totally going to try something similar when Norah is older. :) Great job!

Stacey said...

Wow, that is amazingly clever and adorable...I would've played with that for hours. You did a beautiful job!!!

mer said...

I'm dying inside, this is so cool!

way to go Erin.

ROXY MARJ said...

THIS IS SOOOO TERRIFIC! What a cool mom you are! And at first I thought it was life size...I was trippin for a second! :-p

Anonymous said...

wowowowow! how beautiful!!
and I also wanted to say that my nearly 3 year olds also call the kitchen "chicken" :)

Anonymous said...

this is SUCH a great idea! i love it!

Amie said...

Wowza! She'd better love that til she's 30!

Erin said...

thank you for all your kind comments!

Astrid said...

This is just SOOO beautiful! I already forwarded the url to my better half. :)

Grandma G said...

WOW! Wonderful!

Audrey said...

WOW! haven't checked you out in a while- glad I did, this is such a great idea, I may steal it :0) great job.

Chris said...

This is brilliant! The best "chicken" reno I've seen in a long time! I'll bet she loves it!

Jenny said...

With 19 plus comments you gotta know what you did was INCREDIBLE!!!! Your daughter will remember that forever, because what little girl doesn't remember her first kitchen?! Way to go!

Leigh said...

Hi, I'm Andi Rawlins's sister. I was up in Utah a few weeks visiting and she showed me your fancy little kitchen. Unbelievable!! How did you even think of using an entertainment center?? Anyhoo, nice work, I hope your babe is loving it. And thanks for sharing how to make it. Some people are too stingy to do that:)

Grace @ One Craft Girl's Corner said...

What a wonderful project! I would also like to make one for my twins for their second bday next year. I just don't know if they'll be tall enough. My mom has an old entertainment center that's just sitting around. I'll have to measure it and see. Thanks for the post! I'll be following you now!

Cathy said...

How darn cute.. I wish I had a little one.. I may need to save this idea somewhere for the grandkids... which should be about 12 years from now... This is awesome.. you go girl...thanks for sharing

~Mommy+Me~ said...

AMAZING! I love it! :)

Quiltpiecer said...

I also just found your blog by way of Just A Girl. This play kitchen is amazing!!! Very creative!! Thanks for sharing this awesome project!

Lori said...

Amazing job, how creative you are.

Jess @ Just a Blink said...

Good Job! Wow! That was a big project with a big result!

Lisa said...

That is adorable! Great job.

Astrid in Bristling Acres said...

You're really talented! Love it!

Marcy {pine creek cottage} said...

What great vision you have - and then to be able to execute it - fantastic! It is adorable!!

Kari Sweeten said...

I'm speechless!! This is soooo amazing!

Andréann said...

This is totaly inspiring!
It is SO, SO much better then the "princess" kitchen (does princess cook?s) someone gave us...

My daughter's just 13 months old but when it'll be time to those kind of play I'll consider making something like that!

really nice job!

Carrie said...

I am so impressed! What a great idea.

Jana Nielson said...

WOOOOOOOW! That is so great!!!
Is it ok for me to link to it from my blog???

I need this!

Room to Inspire said...

Wow! This is amazing! What a great way to reuse and create something truly fabulous!


The Hattons... said...

That's phenomenol. Wow! Great job!

ohAmanda said...

This is amazing! I just want to stare at it!!

Rockie said...

I just found your blog from U Create. This kitchen is AMAZING!!

Cathy said...

That is so adorable! You did an awesome job.

Sunny said...

Hi there, i was just browsing people's blogs and found this. That is absolutely amazing!! This is total upcycling to the max! And the picture of the woods gives it such a perfect touch.

R said...

Hi I found your blog through Cherie's post at Bakowbabble- This is too adorable!! I love how creative it is. What a lucky little girl you have :)


Julia said...

This is AMAZING!!! If I had the room for something this big I would be copying this idea. I think my little girls would flip!!! Great job and thanks for showing how you did it.

HOPE said...

This is adorable..and absolutely amazing how you came up with this idea!!! SUPERB!!

Congrats on a job well done!


Cupkateer said...

AMAZING! I linked to your post at

I can't stop staring at what you did. :) Thanks.

Nori said...

Incredible! Your first time with power tools?? Amazing!! You're an inspiration. Thanks for sharing all the details.

Stitchnmom said...

It looks so much like a real kitchen. What a great idea. Sure beats anything you could buy at a store.

Sarah J. said...

I LOVE this idea! I really hope you don't mind if I share it with my readers. That is fantastic!

liz said...

HOLY COW ERIN!!!!!! awesome.

Cheryl @ a pretty cool life. said...

That's amazing! You can come over and make one for me any time...

Nepperess said...

Wow, incredible re-do. Love it!

michelle@somedaycrafts said...

Amazing! I saw on Just a Girl and was jealous! I'm featuring this on in a couple of days. Thanks! Grab my "featured" button!

Julia said...

Ho-ly cow. I am in awe. That is incredible.

Anonymous said...

That is amazing! What a very, very clever idea. Now she needs some of that adorable food that I see moms all over bloggyville making for their kids. I just love this!


You are a Genius. I love Love LOVE this!


Jamie H said...

Found this through a link on a friend's blog (Minnesota Mom). What an AWESOME idea! I love it! I wish I would have seen this before we got rid of our old entertainment center and I bought a toy kitchen set for my daughter!

Kathryn said...

Can I come play? Seriously awesome!

Erin said...

thank you all for your kind, kind comments. i am blushing at the overwhelming response to my little project. you guys are awesome! :)

My2Gs said...

Oh my goodness, that seriously is the coolest thing I have EVER SEEN!!!

My2Gs said...

I'm really sad that I don't see a subscribe button on your site :( How do I subscribe?

Stacie said...

That is Awesome!! Who would have thought an old entertainment center could be so cute! Thanks for sharing this great idea! Do you mind if I show a pic on my blog if I link back to yours? It is just too cute! Thanks

Jen said...

You are amazingly creative. I absolutely love the kitchen. All I can say is Wow!

Melissa Stover said...

that's incredible! what an amazing project.

Free Art Printables said...

Coolest project... EVER!

Crystal said...

Wow! I wish I'd seen this before I bought the over-priced plastic one.

I have a poll up on my blog about my BIGGEST decor dilemma. Come on over and vote, I need all the help I can get!

Macey said...

Wow! This project rocks! Thanks for sharing your talent.

Musings of a Homeschooling Mom said...

I love it! I would have never looked at an entertainment center and thought kitchen!

Liberty :) said...

wow this is amazing! you have one lucky daughter!

Twiggles and Trunks said...

that is amazing. i'm kicking my self for buying the $270 plastic kitchen from toysRus now. way to go.

Megan @ Megity's Handmade said...

This is incredible!! Love it, love it, love it!! If only I had room and the skills. :)

Casey said...

WOW!! You did a fabulous job, it's absolutely amazing!

Debra said...

That is awesome! What a lucky girl!! said...

Wow! This is sooo creative, I love it! I'd also love to link to this if you didn't mind!

gail@My Repurposed Life said...

wow! what an awesome job you did. Sutton is a very lucky girl!

Anonymous said...

I LOVE THIS! and LOVE the color - smashing!!!

My kids are almost both teens, now, but when they were little boy oh boy did they love the 'kitchen' play area, down the basement. But ours was the boring (and pricey) big plastic stuff...

you rock mom!

Anonymous said...

WOW!! Wouldn't this make a fabulous Christmas gift, too? My daughter would sooooo love something like this. I wonder if I can talk my hubby into creating a similar one?

You did a REALLY superb job with this! I just <3 it!! =-D

Sarah J. said...

Amazing. I hope you don't mind if I feature this idea?

Debi said...

What a great inspiration you are dear!! I love this one!! And so will my granddaughter!! I am adding you to my list of favorites so I can come back often to check out your blog! I have thoroughly enjoyed reading yours today.
I hope you have a very blessed day dear.
Debi xoxo

Heather of the EO said...

That totally freaking rocks the party. LOVE it.

Can you tell? :)

Anonymous said...

OMG I just stumbled upon your blog and Im in awe at that kitchen. Brilliant!!! I have one of those entertainment centers and just bought a stupid play kitchen. I wish I would have seen this before :( Great job

Carla said...

This is the coolest thing I have ever seen!! Great job:)

Angie - said...

I love it! It's such cool idea and you did an awesome job!

Sarah said...

That is AMAZING! Thank you for sharing.

Unknown said...

Hi Erin,
I can't figure out how to email you so I'm hoping you read your comments. I love this idea and you executed it so well! Can we share it on We have featured many play kitchens, but I don't think I've seen one using a media cabinet. You can reach me at


Danielle said...

Wow!! You are very talented and creative. I posted a link to this on my blog today.

ldsmom2201 at yahoo dot com
The Happy Wife
Homeschool Unit Studies

Jerri-Lea said...

That is absolutely BRILLIANT and!! Great job!

Anonymous said...

SO Awesome. great work. my almost 3-yr old also calls her kitchen a chicken :D

Julie Link said...

just think how much you saved by not buying the pottery barn version. and, just think that your kids will enjoy it so much more because you made it!

Lynn said...

This is ABsolutely AMAZING. You did such a great job! When I was little, my mom tried to make sure all my kitchen things looked "real" (my dad is a chef; of course his little girl had to have the right tools ;)) but I didn't have a chicken anywhere close to as cute as this! Awesome, awesome job. Hope you don't mind if I, er, borrow your creativity some time in the future ;)

Morgan said...

Love love love this "chicken". Great job! I hope you don't mind that I have linked to you from my blog post about your awesome play kitchen! I found you through Ohdeedoh!

Susie said...


Anonymous said...

I am beyond impressed! I may never ever say that I am crafty or slightly crafty again :) Great job.

Haydee said...

This is amazing! I hope you don't mind I linked to you from my blog and added your project on my sidebar.

I LOVE your blog!
thanks for sharing

Anonymous said...

That is incredible!

Anonymous said...

I love this!!! I'm going to have to do this for my daughters!!!!

eatmoresmores said...

You are brilliant!

Jenn said...

I'm so jealous! I only wished I was this creative and as good as you are with tools! ;)

rozzissweetpeas said...

FABULOUS! great job..very talented mom. hugs rozzi

Anonymous said...

wow ! very cool.

Teri said...

Look at all the comments!!! You ROCK!!!! That is so so Cute!!! Too bad my daughter's 14! You deserve an award or something!

Unknown said...

I'm showing this to my husband and begging him to help me make one for our daughter. Great job! said...

I am blown away by this project! How inspiring. It is truly amazing--great job.

Katielin317 said...

that is seriously amazing. Way to go! Wow.

Heather - said...

That is awesome. You did such a great job. I LOVE the addition of the picture window - brilliant!

Katie Lewis said...

This is amazing! So beautiful!

alanna rose said...

I love the curtains, and I love the built in plastic tub for all of the kitchen stuff to be stored in. It sure beats our (hand me down) Little Tykes plastic kitchen :)

Anonymous said...

This is amazing! I wish I was brave enough to attempt such large projects!

thesleepyknitter said...

Amazing and clever! I immediately showed my husband, and can tell he's already thinking about how to adapt this idea for our toddler. Great, great work, Erin!

Anonymous said...

Great job! That is awesome!

Unknown said...

Ham and grits, eggs over easy tomaytoe catsup (large dollop) & make it like a crocodile - snappy

Lisa said...


Lisa :)

Susan said...

Fabulous job!

High-Heeled Foot in the door said...

Wow so happy to have found your blog. You are a amazing! I can't believe it's an entertainment unit! Bravo!!

Lovely Little Nest said...

Oh my gosh, how cute is this?! Your daughter is one lucky little girl! :)

Jen - Balancing Beauty and Bedlam said...

First time visitor (through Simple Mom). Add me to the list of the gazillion other commentors who just LOVE THIS!!! :)

MrsMis said...

Absolutely Fabulous!!!! you are so creative :)

Jules said...

this is so brilliant and stunning I don't even have words. you better bet I am hopping over to craigslist right now. I am sooooo over the crummy plastic play kitchen. I really, really want to make one of these!

Hopeless Chest said...


Clare said...

Wow, that is really fantastic.

Anne said...

This has got to be one of the coolest things I have EVER seen! You are amazing. =)

:::b r a n d i::: said...

What an awesome idea!!

Rachel said...

Wow! That looks fantastic. I saw the link to this on one of my blog subs. It is amazing! I have been thinking of making one for my dd for Christmas this year, and you've really inspired me. I'm totally going to email this to my father-in-law, and see if he'd help me.

jacque4u2c said...

This is amazing!!!!!!

Personalized Sketches and Sentiments said...

OH! Goodness!!! It is so cute and wow! I'd love to cook and wash dishes and play in this "chicken" :o)

Seriously! very creative and it looks so professional!

Blessings & Aloha!

alisa said...

Okay Erin, so I was just on sugardoodle and I was looking at this post...thinking wow....this sounds exactly like the kitchen Laura described to me that you made....and SURE was YOU!!! This is AMAZING!!!!!!!! You are fantastic!!!

Becca said...

Best Redo yet~ totally impressed!

Unknown said...

This is unreal. Or should I say so real! I love this! Way to go.

Tanner Cangelosi said...

What creativity...I love turing junk into treasure....this is such a great idea.

Melanie Drake said...

WHOAH! You are amazingly creative! I have two school age boys & this seriously made me want to try for a girl!

Autumn said...


Anonymous said...

Erin, I can't believe I found you this way... I was on Sugardoodle and I saw your name and clicked on this... I don't know if you will remember me, Natalie Broadbent, formerly of Brooklyn! It has been a very long time since I have seen you. Your kitchen playset is amazing! I hope you are doing well in North Carolina! We are in New Jersey. Take care!

edie3 said...

I hope you do not mind I posted this idea to a message board I go to. What a super idea!

Sande said...

Wow! This is just amazing.

You should think about going into business and selling them. I'll bet you could make a nice profit and the more you made the quicker they would go together.

Erykah said...

This is fabulous!! My mind is spinning away to make such a crafty creation. Great blog!

talesandtrials said...

That is the cutest little kitchen I have EVER seen. You're making me wish I had a little girl. Although my two year little boy would probably think it was fun too! :)

I am enjoying checking out your blog.

Michelle said...

You are ridiculous!!!! I wish my daughter didnt have one now. lol

Amy @ Design-Aholic said...

Amazing! How creative, I'll have to remember this one! (how could you forget though, come on, that's just too darn cute/crafty!)

Sindy said...

This is great! I love how realistic you made it with "stainless steel" appliances and a window looking out onto a beautiful landscape.

If I may, I would love to link to your post in my blog.

Also, if I may suggest, post the instructions on It would be a great place to share this.

Peggy said...

Amazing! I have an almost 5-year-old boy who would think this awesome as well. He'd love a play kitchen. Hmmm. Ideas...

Giggleberry (Amy) said...

Thanks for the inspiration!!! My dad has just made one for my little girl because I showed him your post :)

I've blogged about our one here:

Giggles, Amy

Shannon said...

This kitchen is so cute! Can you tell me how wide the entertainment center is and where did you get the sink; is it a real sink?

Erin said...

shannon- the unit is 50Wx49Hx16D.
the sink is real, it is a prep sink measuring 15" square. i bought it at the Habitat for Humanity ReStore for $15 (including the faucet). I hope that helps! :)

April said...

great work!! i love it!

Robin said...

That is amazing!! I think I might have to do something like that for my daughter when she gets older!

Unknown said...

Thanks for the inspiration. We found a freecycle smaller armoire style unit and are beginning the re-purposing tonight to set up in our home-school classroom.

Rob and Sarah said...

I loved your idea so much!! My husband and I did this for our 3 girls as a Christmas present this year and they love it!! Thank you!!

*junkrestore* said...


Cori said...

This is so cute! I sure wish my girls had the space for one in their bedroom.

Chellie said...

I used your idea to make my own! Thank you so much. I blogged about it here:

You're great, thanks for the inspiration!

Erin said...


Just want to thank you so much for blogging about your kitchen. You inspired ours:)


Heather said...

Wow, wow, wow. This is unreal.

Anonymous said...

That kitchen ROCKS! And my daughter also calls it the 'chicken'.

homemade by jill said...

I love your play kitchen! I am starting my own project to repurpose a nightstand into play kitchen and I linked your post and one of your photos on my blog. Hope that's ok!

Anonymous said...

its amazing, you totally inspired me

Anonymous said...

Too neat! Love the idea, wish I had seen this prior to dumping our old entertainment center

Mr. C said...

You should find the entertainment centers for free on free cycle and make them to sell. That is awesome and looks so much nicer than most of what you can buy.

Anonymous said...

So cute!! Great job on the chicken! (My LO calls it a chicken too, how funny!)

Jennifer said...

I love this Play Kitchen idea. I'm in the process of finding the center for my little girl & plan on using your idea. I hope you don't mind I copied a photo and your link on to my blog. Thanks to the inspiration!

Jenn @ Delicious Ambiguity said...

I love this idea! My favorite part is that you used aluminum spray paint! Thanks for sharing! Just wanted to let you know I linked to you on my blog:

Anonymous said...

love love love this! Im going to run with this idea for my daughter...thank you for providing an alternative to purchasing a super expensive one!

Kendra said...

WOW! That is so amazing! So creative!

Jenn @ Delicious Ambiguity said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jenn @ Delicious Ambiguity said...

Hi Erin,
I just wanted to let you know that I’ve got a new FEATURED BUTTON & will be starting my new MckLinky party TOT TUESDAYS next week. I’d love it if you’d stop by & link up to some of your inspiring ideas:

The Human Engineer said...

What a great idea--I love it!!! Thanks for sharing!!!

cyelea said...

This is brilliant! I will keep this project in mind for my little one when he starts getting bigger. Thank you!

Helen said...

That is amazing! My 5 year old is looking at her small stove and is not impressed.

Ariella said...

Holy crap!
I love it. Just linked to you on my latest blog post.
Thanks for inspiring!

jane said...


indigomumma said...

absolutely amazing. very ingenious. happy birthday to your daughter, i'm sure she'll have many many hours of wonderful play in this beautiful space.

Sarah said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sarah said...

I am in awe. That is a wonderful piece of work.

Sono-Ma: Holly White-Wolfe said...

I am completely inspired by your play kitchen. I actually used to have that same entertainment center years ago, and boy do I wish I would have had your vision to re purpose it. I couldn't see the diamond in the rough with this one.

Thank you for sharing!

Joy said...

This is such an amazing idea, with wonderful execution! As the mother of a 3 year old, I can totally envision the fun. I can easily see possibility in unique, funky, flea market finds but to see the future of an MDF entertainment center is sheer brillance. Thanks to Rhythm of the Home, I didn't miss seeing it. Thanks for sharing!!

Sarah @ Mum In Bloom said...

This is an amazing idea. I love the blue with the "stainless" features and the photo in the kitchen window. Very inspirating and thank you for sharing it with us :)

~Lisa~ said...

WOW what a fantastic idea! You are very handy and what great way to recycle! Great job mama!

Jessica said...

My cousin sent me the link to this kitchen and I love it! I also love spray paint and refinishing furniture. Your blog is so full of great ideas! So glad I found it.

tehseenfatima said...

Send Flowers to UK
I really liked your article. Keep up the good work.

savvy stitch said...

Oh. My. Gosh. This is the coolest project! I am totally impressed!

Mrs. Love said...

WONDERFUL! After my own heart! Cheers to you!

Just Sweet Love said...

you are unbelievably amazing!

Downtroddenindc said...

Pretty incredible! The aluminum really looks real. I can't believe it was just spray paint!

From Here to there with Kids said...

What a lucky little girl! You did a WONDERFUL job! It is fantastic and such a great way to re-use old furniture!

Colleen M said...

This is totally ingenious and awesome! I LOVE IT! It is so cute!You did a fantastic job!

TX Daddy said...

very impressive. I wish more people were creative like that.

melonbelly said...

uh...WOWZAS! You are AMAZING! I just found your site and am a new follower! What? You wanna come decorate my house? That is very forward of you, but if you insist! :)

Come visit melonbelly soon! :)

captaincarebear said...

Definitely impressed this reader! Nice job!

Unknown said...

Very great comments shared about this blog post "A repurposed play kitchen". That would be very great to hear. Really awesome comments discussed about the blog. Thanks for sharing a very good blog about kitchen.


Sarah said...

Wow- that's a great project. Maybe I'll try it...

Alyssa said...

Inspiring! I got the Entertainment Center. Now I just need to follow through with the rest of it. When I get it finished I will leave a link.

Debi Clark said...

Oh my Oh my oh my oh my...AHH! I love this! I literally lost my breath when I saw it! I am SO excited! I have the PERFECT spot for I shall creep through Craigslist and find the right sized item...ooohhh I'm so excited! Thank you!!

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Stacey said...

Thanks for the inspiration! We made one and it turned out great:

Maria said...

I love it! I also love spray paint and refinishing furniture. Your blog is so full of great ideas! So glad I found it.
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maddie said...

LOVE this! I've been looking for DIY kitchen ideas for my oldest daughter for awhile...will definitely be keeping this in mind, thanks!

DIAPERS in the DESERT said...

Your Kitchen Looks AMAZING!!!! I found you through I posted a pic (with your link) on my blog post about what kind of play kitchen I want. Let me know if you are not okay with that and I will take the pic down. Thanks!!!

DIAPERS in the DESERT said...

I LOVE everything you did with the kitchen you made!! It looks GREAT!! I posted a pic of it (with your link) on my blog post about what kind of play kitchen I want. Let me know if you are not okay with that and I will take the pic down. Thanks!!!


OMG!!!! Best looking play kitchen I've ever seen! You're so creative. Loooove it!! I want to play with it myself! :)
Now this is a repurposed item!

JennyTheArtist said...

this is amazing. congratulations!

Ann said...

Thanks so much for sharing such an awesome idea! I am using this for inspiration as my husband tries to recreate this for my kindergarten classroom! Love it!

David said...

Sooo cool! I just posted on my blog about mine, which was repurposed from a super ugly old nightstand.

Unknown said...

Hello! Here is the blog post where I included your DIY kitchen! I hope you like it!
Kindest Regards,

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