this is what Ezra wore to church today. with pants of course... church is one of those places where pants just aren't optional! it may be the first thing i have made for him. which is sad because he is almost 11 months old. i am glad that i finally made this for him (it's been on the 'must sew' list for a while), he looks so darn cute in it and this tie works much better than the real tie i made him for Easter (to coordinate with his dad's and old brother Liam's tie- in retrospect it was a little much). he used it as a chew toy and it was practically dripping by the end of church. gross!
this was also the first time i have ever attempted to dye anything. it was easier than i thought it would be. although i don't recommend wearing your favorite white shirt while using dye. even if you think it will be fine because you are wearing an apron... it won't end well (duh!).
i made the tie applique with some fabric from my scrap drawer. you only need a few inches, really. i free-handed the tie but Char at Crap I've Made has a great template and a detailed tutorial if you need one.
I just saw a picture online where they did the same thing. Very cute!
i love it!! i am all over this one. well, except i am about to take max out of onesies but a t-shirt would be cute, right? and where do you find all your fabric? fabric is expensive, there must be a secret that i don't know about.
Cute! Both the onesie and the model ;)
andrea- a t-shirt with a tie applique would definitely be cute on Max! i buy most of my fabric from a local independent store. i don't like to buy fabric online unless i have seen it in person. plus i hate paying shipping! if you are doing a small project like this check the remnant table at your local fabric shop.
This is so adorable!!! I must find a baby boy to make it for.
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