I finally finished the template for the doll house. I didn't think it would take so long but we have been spending every spare minute with family! Not that I am complaining, we've had lots of fun. I even had a couple of hours of good contractions today. Maybe this little one will arrive a little early. That would be a first for me!

A few tips:
1- I bought a 4'x8' piece of 1/2" plywood and was barely unable to get all the pieces cut from that one piece of plywood. Luckily, we happened to have a scrap piece of MDF on hand and didn't need to buy more wood but if you make a dollhouse from this template you will need more than one piece of plywood if you don't have some scraps hanging around.
2- Michael cut all the pieces with a jig saw but a table saw would work well too.
3- The top edge of the side wall (D) needs to be mitered slightly to match the slope of the back wall (A).
4- The back wall (A), side wall (D) and the front wall (E) are all secured to the top of the base piece (B).

5- To assemble the house we used 1" finishing nails and a hammer. It is much easier if you have someone to help you with this part. Michael and I laid the base piece top down and pounded nails into the wood (about 1/4" from the back edge, side wall edge and front wall edge) just until the nails were barely visible on the top side of the base piece.
With the pieces on their sides, I lined up the back wall (A) with the base (B) where the barely visible nails were while Michael hammered the nails down. We continued with each wall piece. Measure and mark where the 2nd floor piece (C) will go and again hammer the nails into the wood until barely visible, hold the 2nd floor (C) into place and completely hammer the nails down. The roof pieces (H & I) were last were done in the same manner. Lastly we installed the interior walls (G & F).
6- Our cuts weren't perfect. Once the house was put together there were lots of gaps at the roof line. The house was secure but it didn't look pretty. I used caulk (make sure it is paintable!!) to fill in the gaps knowing it would never be noticed once the house was painted and wallpapered.
7- We eye-balled the window placement once the house was all put together. The windows are about 9"x6.25" except, of course, for the triangular window which is as wide as the other windows but only a few inches high and the long edge of the window matching the angle of the roof. The windows were cut out with a jig saw.
Cost break down:
furniture- eBay $15
vintage kitchen- eBay $29
bath fixtures- eBay $17
plywood $20
paint- sample from Lowes $3
carpet- sample from carpet store $2
linoleum- Home Depot $3
faux tile bathroom floor- Hobby Lobby $3.5
scrapbook paper for wallpaper- Michaels and Hobby Lobby $7
wood beds- unfinished wood pieces from Hobby Lobby $8
mod podge (with coupon)- Hobby Lobby $4
Krylon plastic spray paint $9
flowers for flower boxes- Walmart $3
1x2 wood for flower boxes $2
Total $125.50
Quick links to the other dollhouse posts:
part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4
If you make a dollhouse for your little one I would love to see it!
What a great doll house! Wish I had a little girl to make one for.
Thanks for posting this! I definitely want to make this for my girls either this year or next (they are 3 and 1 right now). BTW, love your blog.
Erin, I have not been a commenter much lately but I still am a reader! I love this doll house. I also am so excited you shared so many details as you went about making it. I have no room for a doll house like this but it is on my wishlist of "one-day" projects. My girls would love this. Sutton looks adorable on Christmas morning. So cute! Congrats on another great classic DIY plaything success!
I was so hoping you would link this. In fact, I would have felt a little bad if you didn't, so thank you. It still blows me away.
Me again, I featured your house today.
Erin, I don't know why I don't think to check your blog more often- so I just added it to my links! Anyway, I LOVE this dollhouse. SO cute. I might have to enlist Timm to do the construction part of it, after I recover from my handmade holiday sweatshop conditions.
Thank you so much for posting this-I love it! Hopefully I'll get around to making one for my daughter by this next Christmas :) So creative!
Blogged about it here:
My daughters really want a doll house they can decorate themselves. What a great template. Thanks for putting it together and sharing it here. I will have to see if it is something my husband would like to tackle!
Love this house! Thank you for your generosity in sharing the tutorial. I have bookmarked your tutorial pages, you are very talented.
I am SO going to do this.... my 6 year old's eyes popped when she saw this.... this would be so fun. We have 3 girls so it would get ALOT of use... thanks for putting the measurements up!
hi!! well, perfect timing!! all my little girl (no 2 of 3) wants for Christmas is a dollhouse!! so, i had to convert the measurements to cm (south africa and all) and had to adjust them a little bit, but i hope to get started in this week still!! you make it look so very very easy.. thank you so much!
I'm really excited for the plans. Currently sitting in my bedroom is a 4' stack of duct taped boxes in an attempt to create my dd8 and dd6 a barbie house for Christmas...now that I found these plans and realize the wood isn't expensive...I'm going to Lowe's tomorrow to get the wood cut! I will begin on customizing once I get it assembled. DH and I own nothing more fancy than a drill. So we aren't able to cut any wood. So we never thought we could actually make a dollhouse! I'm super excited!! And dh was beaming from ear to ear too! We always thought it was going to be over $100. I have everything else for the dollhouse already. Just need the house!
you are AWESOME, I searched online for dollhouses and the plans and came across this. I also saw the kitchen from the ent. center!!!
thank you so much for posting, my little girl will be so happy on her birthday!
It was wonderful! Congratulations !!!!!
Its has the same measurements? It seems bigger ...
I'll try to do this once I get my next pay.My daughter will surely love this!
This is a really looking awesome. House Design House Plans Ireland that you are amongst the best blogger I have read.
Thanks for posting this
informative article.
this house is very very wonderful!!congratulations!!
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